Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year. This is Mr. Klubberud, your new Stella Maris 4-8 grade Science Teacher.
I can be reached at jklubberud@stellmarisacademy.org
or (858)454-2461 extension 133 (classroom phone).
Research shows that when students are fully engaged in their learning, they feel a greater sense of ownership resulting in increased achievement.
Course Description:
We will conduct field and lab investigations, use the scientific method, and make decisions using critical thinking and problem solving.
Course Goals:
Use critical thinking, scientific methods and lab tools to analyze, measure and record data and to make decisions about what is observed.
Recognize that a system is a collection of cycles, structures, and processes that interact.
Classify substances, identify processes, and define relationships in systems and living organisms.
Understand and identify changes in objects when acted upon by outside forces.
Know that science is a way of learning about the natural world through a great deal of information described by physical, mathematical, and conceptual models and that science may not know all the answers.
Identify the role of science investigation in understanding the natural world and its systems.
Grading Breakdown
Total points earned out of total points possible determine grades. Tests, quizzes, and projects will be worth more points than classwork, labs and homework.
Tests are administered approximately every three to four weeks and will be announced in advance. Students will have a review in class the day before the chapter test. This review will let students know exactly what is on the test. It is an expectation that students will study and prepare for tests at home.
Class labs will vary depending on the unit. It is my philosophy that science should be experienced rather than simply read, therefore, I ensure that there are multiple hands-on labs and activities for every chapter. Our Interactive Science Curriculum has many fun “At Home” lab activities that I may assign as homework or extra credit opportunities. Sometimes we do these labs in class.
Completed Work/Participation:
Completed work will include homework, classwork, labs and notes. Our textbook is very different from most- it’s meant for students to write in. Therefore, it is a record of learning. In addition, each student will be creating an Interactive Science Notebook, in which students will keep labs, graphic organizers, notes and vocabulary. Look through lessons your child completes, and be sure to ask a lot of questions. One of the best ways for students to improve upon their learning is to explain concepts to someone else.
Daily Materials:
Each day, students will need to come prepared to class with their planner, textbook, binder, Interactive Science Notebook, paper, sharpened pencil, and a highlighter.